ighly detailed fantasy character dressed in elaborate blue armor with gold accents. The armor includes a large, ornate chest plate and intricate shoulder guards. The character holds a trident-like weapon and wears a red cape. The armor is decorated with blue gems and spiral designs, and the helmet features a prominent horn. The overall design is imaginative and showcases creativity and attention to detail in character design.

ighly detailed fantasy character dressed in elaborate blue armor with gold accents. The armor includes a large, ornate chest plate and intricate shoulder guards. The character holds a trident-like weapon and wears a red cape. The armor is decorated with blue gems and spiral designs, and the helmet features a prominent horn. The overall design is imaginative and showcases creativity and attention to detail in character design.
Model Tohumu
Doku Tohumu
@DedSec tarafından daha fazlası

3D rig of a character made from electronic waste. The character should have a head that is a computer screen and a body composed of various electronic debris such as cables, circuit boards, and other discarded tech components. Ensure the rig includes fully articulated limbs and a flexible spine. Highlight the textures of the different materials, focusing on the unique and chaotic appearance of a character born from technological waste."
3 ay önce

ight Yagami from Death Note. The character has a slim, athletic build and wears a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, dark trousers, and polished shoes. He has short, brown hair neatly styled and a calm, calculating expression. His posture is confident and composed, reflecting his intelligent and serious personality. The overall look should convey his clean, sharp, and formal appearance, with subtle details like a watch or a tie.
2 ay önce

comandante de aspecto brutal, con una armadura compuesta de raíces trenzadas y musgo que late como un corazón. Su casco está decorado con hongos carnívoros que chasquean al moverse. Porta un martillo gigante incrustado con cristales venenosos. Su ejército está compuesto por criaturas musgosas que obedecen cada una de sus órdenes sin cuestionar
3 ay önce

riatura que alguna vez fue humana, ahora fusionada con un tronco hueco cubierto de hongos bioluminiscentes. Sus extremidades son largas y delgadas, con dedos afilados como ramas secas. En su interior, se pueden escuchar susurros de las almas atrapadas. Ataca lanzando nubes de esporas venenosas y enredaderas que brotan del suelo
3 ay önce

caballero envuelto en una armadura antigua y oxidada, cubierta de musgo que parece crecer y moverse como si estuviera vivo. De sus grietas brotan raíces que lo atan a la tierra. Su espada está envuelta en líquenes, y su escudo tiene un núcleo de madera podrida que respira esporas al contacto. Cada paso que da deja un rastro de hierba marchita y podredumbre
3 ay önce

3 ay önce

planta carnivora mutante
3 ay önce

dark fantasy monkey warrior with intricate, jagged armor and fur elements. The character should have an imposing presence with spiked plates and a rugged appearance. Include details like purple pants to contrast with the metallic and fur components. Ensure the rig includes fully articulated limbs, a flexible spine, and facial expressions that convey power and mystery. The textures should highlight the unique combination of materials and the dark, foreboding design
3 ay önce