
เข้าร่วม 26 พ.ย. 2567
3D model for hyper-realistic 3D model of Eagle. Focus on capturing its grounded, commanding stance. Design layered feathers with smooth brown tones, detailed textures, and subtle gradients. Highlight the bird's sharp, hooked beak with a yellow base and darker tip. Model the talons with scaly textures and sharp black claws. Craft lifelike deep black eyes with glossy reflections. Ensure accurate anatomy, emphasizing its muscular frame and large wings. Pay attention to feather placement and natural proportions.3D model for hyper-realistic 3D model of Eagle. Focus on capturing its grounded, commanding stance. Design layered feathers with smooth brown tones, detailed textures, and subtle gradients. Highlight the bird's sharp, hooked beak with a yellow base and darker tip. Model the talons with scaly textures and sharp black claws. Craft lifelike deep black eyes with glossy reflections. Ensure accurate anatomy, emphasizing its muscular frame and large wings. Pay attention to feather placement and natural proportions.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Hoopoe (Upupa epops) with a small, rounded, and stocky body, and a short, slightly curved beak. The bird has a prominent crest of long, pointed orange feathers tipped with black. Its body is pale brown with a light-colored underbelly. The wings are broad and slightly shorter, with bold black and white stripes. The tail is short and narrow, featuring horizontal black and white stripes. The legs are short, dark, and sturdy. 3D model for Create a 3D model of a Hoopoe (Upupa epops) with a small, rounded, and stocky body, and a short, slightly curved beak. The bird has a prominent crest of long, pointed orange feathers tipped with black. Its body is pale brown with a light-colored underbelly. The wings are broad and slightly shorter, with bold black and white stripes. The tail is short and narrow, featuring horizontal black and white stripes. The legs are short, dark, and sturdy.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Merops apiaster with a slender body and a rounded head. The beak is long, sharp, and black, slightly curved at the tip. The wings are medium-length, narrow, and pointed, with smooth feather transitions. The tail is moderately long and slightly tapered. The upper body features rich chestnut-brown feathers on the head and back, transitioning into vibrant turquoise-blue on the belly and wings. A distinct yellow collar wraps around the neck. The legs are short, thin, and dark.3D model for Create a 3D model of a Merops apiaster with a slender body and a rounded head. The beak is long, sharp, and black, slightly curved at the tip. The wings are medium-length, narrow, and pointed, with smooth feather transitions. The tail is moderately long and slightly tapered. The upper body features rich chestnut-brown feathers on the head and back, transitioning into vibrant turquoise-blue on the belly and wings. A distinct yellow collar wraps around the neck. The legs are short, thin, and dark.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a European Roller (Coracias garrulus) with a medium-sized, sturdy body and a proportionally large wingspan. The head is slightly rounded, and the neck is short, transitioning smoothly into the body. The beak is short, strong, and slightly curved. The wings are broad and long, designed for agile flight, while the tail is slender and moderately elongated. The legs are short but robust, with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe for perching.3D model for Create a 3D model of a European Roller (Coracias garrulus) with a medium-sized, sturdy body and a proportionally large wingspan. The head is slightly rounded, and the neck is short, transitioning smoothly into the body. The beak is short, strong, and slightly curved. The wings are broad and long, designed for agile flight, while the tail is slender and moderately elongated. The legs are short but robust, with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe for perching.
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3D model for  (Alcedo atthis). The bird has a compact body with metallic blue-green plumage covering its head, back, and wings, transitioning into vibrant orange underparts. Its head features a long, straight black beak and a white stripe extending behind its dark eyes. The legs and webbed feet are bright orange, slightly textured, and delicate. Ensure the model captures intricate feather detailing, smooth iridescent gradients, and accurate proportions for a realistic appearance.3D model for  (Alcedo atthis). The bird has a compact body with metallic blue-green plumage covering its head, back, and wings, transitioning into vibrant orange underparts. Its head features a long, straight black beak and a white stripe extending behind its dark eyes. The legs and webbed feet are bright orange, slightly textured, and delicate. Ensure the model captures intricate feather detailing, smooth iridescent gradients, and accurate proportions for a realistic appearance.
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3D model for Create a detailed 3D model of a Common Merganser (Mergus merganser), focusing on its external features: a long, slender red bill with a hooked tip, a chestnut-brown crest on the head, white and gray plumage with intricate feather texture, and bright red webbed legs and feet. Emphasize realistic proportions and detailed textures for the feathers, bill, and legs.3D model for Create a detailed 3D model of a Common Merganser (Mergus merganser), focusing on its external features: a long, slender red bill with a hooked tip, a chestnut-brown crest on the head, white and gray plumage with intricate feather texture, and bright red webbed legs and feet. Emphasize realistic proportions and detailed textures for the feathers, bill, and legs.
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3D model for Create a highly detailed 3D model of a kuğ  The swan has an elegant, elongated white neck that seamlessly transitions into its rounded white body, covered in soft, layered feathers. The head features a bright orange beak with a prominent black knob at its base and black markings extending around the eyes. The legs and webbed feet are dark gray and slightly textured. Ensure the model captures smooth feather gradients, graceful proportions, and intricate details in the swan’s plumage and features3D model for Create a highly detailed 3D model of a kuğ  The swan has an elegant, elongated white neck that seamlessly transitions into its rounded white body, covered in soft, layered feathers. The head features a bright orange beak with a prominent black knob at its base and black markings extending around the eyes. The legs and webbed feet are dark gray and slightly textured. Ensure the model captures smooth feather gradients, graceful proportions, and intricate details in the swan’s plumage and features
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3D model for Create a highly detailed 3D model of a lesser white-fronted The goose has a small white patch above its short, pinkish beak, a golden-yellow eye-ring, and dark brown feathers with fine, layered patterns. The chest is a warm brown, blending smoothly into a lighter underbelly with soft dark barring. The wings are dark with white-edged feathers. The legs are bright orange, slightly scaled, and the tail feathers are black with white tips. Ensure all textures, colors, and proportions are accurate.3D model for Create a highly detailed 3D model of a lesser white-fronted The goose has a small white patch above its short, pinkish beak, a golden-yellow eye-ring, and dark brown feathers with fine, layered patterns. The chest is a warm brown, blending smoothly into a lighter underbelly with soft dark barring. The wings are dark with white-edged feathers. The legs are bright orange, slightly scaled, and the tail feathers are black with white tips. Ensure all textures, colors, and proportions are accurate.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Bean Goose (Anser fabalis) with a robust body and a proportionate neck. The head and neck are dark brown, transitioning into a grayish-brown back and wings. The breast and belly are lighter gray. The beak is predominantly black with an orange band across the middle, and the legs and feet are bright orange. Ensure realistic feather textures and natural proportions in a standing pose.3D model for Create a 3D model of a Bean Goose (Anser fabalis) with a robust body and a proportionate neck. The head and neck are dark brown, transitioning into a grayish-brown back and wings. The breast and belly are lighter gray. The beak is predominantly black with an orange band across the middle, and the legs and feet are bright orange. Ensure realistic feather textures and natural proportions in a standing pose.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Greylag Goose (Anser anser) with a sturdy, proportionate body and a thick, well-defined neck. The head and neck are pale gray, blending seamlessly into the slightly darker gray-brown back. The breast and belly are lighter gray, while the wings display a mix of darker gray and brown feathers with pale edges. The beak is vibrant orange with a smooth curve, and the legs are pink and robust. Add a white rump and tail, realistic feather textures, and a natural standing pose.3D model for Create a 3D model of a Greylag Goose (Anser anser) with a sturdy, proportionate body and a thick, well-defined neck. The head and neck are pale gray, blending seamlessly into the slightly darker gray-brown back. The breast and belly are lighter gray, while the wings display a mix of darker gray and brown feathers with pale edges. The beak is vibrant orange with a smooth curve, and the legs are pink and robust. Add a white rump and tail, realistic feather textures, and a natural standing pose.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of an Egyptian Goose with a well-proportioned, upright body and a sturdy neck. The head is light brown with distinctive dark brown eye patches. The neck and upper body are beige, blending into a grayish-brown back. The wings feature a mix of brown, white, and iridescent green patterns. The chest is slightly fuller, and the legs and feet are bright pink, with a pale pink beak. Ensure realistic feather textures, accurate proportions, and a natural standing pose.3D model for Create a 3D model of an Egyptian Goose with a well-proportioned, upright body and a sturdy neck. The head is light brown with distinctive dark brown eye patches. The neck and upper body are beige, blending into a grayish-brown back. The wings feature a mix of brown, white, and iridescent green patterns. The chest is slightly fuller, and the legs and feet are bright pink, with a pale pink beak. Ensure realistic feather textures, accurate proportions, and a natural standing pose.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) with a compact body. The head and neck are black with white patches around the eyes and cheeks. The chest is bright reddish-brown, transitioning to black and white patterns on the sides. The back and wings are black with white stripes. The belly is white. The legs and beak are short and black. Ensure a realistic texture with smooth feather details.3D model for Create a 3D model of a Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) with a compact body. The head and neck are black with white patches around the eyes and cheeks. The chest is bright reddish-brown, transitioning to black and white patterns on the sides. The back and wings are black with white stripes. The belly is white. The legs and beak are short and black. Ensure a realistic texture with smooth feather details.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan) standing on the ground. Focus on its slender body with dark brown and black plumage on the back and wings, and a white underside. The bird’s wings should be folded neatly against its body, and it has a sharp, slightly curved dark beak. Its face is pale with dark markings around the eyes. Emphasize the contrast between the dark upper plumage and the white belly, capturing the bird’s sleek, elegant form and fine feather texture3D model for Create a 3D model of a Yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan) standing on the ground. Focus on its slender body with dark brown and black plumage on the back and wings, and a white underside. The bird’s wings should be folded neatly against its body, and it has a sharp, slightly curved dark beak. Its face is pale with dark markings around the eyes. Emphasize the contrast between the dark upper plumage and the white belly, capturing the bird’s sleek, elegant form and fine feather texture
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Black-throated Loon (Gavia arctica). The bird has a long, slender neck and sharp, dark beak. Its head features a black throat, white cheeks, and a dark gray crown. The back is dark gray with subtle feather patterns, while the belly is light grayish-white. The wings are long, narrow, and sleek. The bird’s legs are short and placed far back, with dark webbed feet. Focus on realistic feather texture and subtle color transitions between the dark back and light belly.3D model for Create a 3D model of a Black-throated Loon (Gavia arctica). The bird has a long, slender neck and sharp, dark beak. Its head features a black throat, white cheeks, and a dark gray crown. The back is dark gray with subtle feather patterns, while the belly is light grayish-white. The wings are long, narrow, and sleek. The bird’s legs are short and placed far back, with dark webbed feet. Focus on realistic feather texture and subtle color transitions between the dark back and light belly.
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis). The bird has a compact, rounded body with a short neck. Its plumage is rich brown, transitioning to lighter cream on the throat and face. The back feathers are darker, with subtle texture details. Its sharp beak is pale with a dark tip, and the eye is dark and round. The tail is short and fluffy, with soft, pale feathers. The legs are hidden, but webbed feet are implied
3D model for Create a 3D model of a Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis). The bird has a compact, rounded body with a short neck. Its plumage is rich brown, transitioning to lighter cream on the throat and face. The back feathers are darker, with subtle texture details. Its sharp beak is pale with a dark tip, and the eye is dark and round. The tail is short and fluffy, with soft, pale feathers. The legs are hidden, but webbed feet are implied
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3D model for Create a 3D model of a great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus). Focus on its distinctive features: a long, slender body with dark brown and black plumage on the back and wings, transitioning to white on the underside. The bird has a striking black crest on its head, with a reddish-orange patch around the neck. Its sharp, long beak is black, and it has elegant, slender legs. The model should capture the graceful and streamlined form, emphasizing the bird's unique crest and vibrant plumage.3D model for Create a 3D model of a great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus). Focus on its distinctive features: a long, slender body with dark brown and black plumage on the back and wings, transitioning to white on the underside. The bird has a striking black crest on its head, with a reddish-orange patch around the neck. Its sharp, long beak is black, and it has elegant, slender legs. The model should capture the graceful and streamlined form, emphasizing the bird's unique crest and vibrant plumage.
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3D model for Create a detailed 3D model of a red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena). Focus on its slender, streamlined body with dark greyish-brown plumage on the back and wings, and a pale grey underside. The bird has a distinctive reddish-orange patch around its neck, which stands out against its dark head and pale face. Its sharp, black beak is long and slender, and it has short, delicate legs. Capture the bird's graceful, elegant form, emphasizing its vibrant red neck and sleek feather3D model for Create a detailed 3D model of a red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena). Focus on its slender, streamlined body with dark greyish-brown plumage on the back and wings, and a pale grey underside. The bird has a distinctive reddish-orange patch around its neck, which stands out against its dark head and pale face. Its sharp, black beak is long and slender, and it has short, delicate legs. Capture the bird's graceful, elegant form, emphasizing its vibrant red neck and sleek feather
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