A stylized, cartoonish squirrel sitting down and holding a coffee mug. The squirrel has short limbs, a small nose, a bushy tail, huge forward-staring eyes with small pupils and two large buck teeth. The coffee mug is a simple ceramic mug.

Опубликовано 2 месяца назад
Модель Подсказка
A stylized, cartoonish squirrel sitting down and holding a coffee mug. The squirrel has short limbs, a small nose, a bushy tail, huge forward-staring eyes with small pupils and two large buck teeth. The coffee mug is a simple ceramic mug.
Текстурная подсказка
A stylized, cartoonish squirrel sitting down and holding a coffee mug. The squirrel has short limbs, a small nose, a bushy tail, huge forward-staring eyes with very small pupils and two large buck teeth. The coffee mug is a simple ceramic mug.
Модельное семя
Текстурное семя
Модель ИИ