Higit pa ni @wojtek.urbanczyk13

A beautifull hot female transformer robot, armoured, metal face, built from alien tech and vietnam war helicopter parts, green and silver, rotor blades on her back, futuristic, big, elegant, scratched, game asset, hot, 4k textures, high quality
3 days ago

a giant mighty rhino like dragon with four sturdy leggs, two rhino horns, sharp bird like beak, elephant tusks, rather small dragon wings, club like tail, ostheoderm bone armour, brown and light orange with grey spots, good symethry, 4k textures, mighty, game asset, good detail
5 days ago

#game figure#, a mechanical futuristic beautifull, hot mecha valkirie, wearing silver mecha armor with pink and gold accents, winged crown and big mechanical wings with jet like parts, wide hips, beautifull face, blonde hair with braids, battle boots, tall, good symethry, game asset, 4k textures, high detail
1 week ago

Parasaurolophus in the Wild
3 weeks ago

Brachiosaurus Regalis
3 weeks ago

Barroth Creature
3 weeks ago

Blue Dinosaur Roar
3 weeks ago

Kaprosuchus, a big crocodile with long leggs and hove like claws, long tail, slim body, saber tooth teeth, sharp scales and distinctive green and purple paterns on skin, 4k textures, high quality, good symethry, prehistoric
3 weeks ago