Beholders were immediately identifiable, being essentially a floating head with one single, cyclops-like eye surrounded by ten smaller eye stalks. Other than this, the main feature of a beholder's anatomy was its massive, gaping maw. The majority of beholders had skin colored in cool colors—purples and blues—on the top of their bodies that graduated into earth tones further down. Said skin had a pebbly texture. Most of beholders had nostrils and jointed, articulated eyestalks.

Beholders were immediately identifiable, being essentially a floating head with one single, cyclops-like eye surrounded by ten smaller eye stalks. Other than this, the main feature of a beholder's anatomy was its massive, gaping maw. The majority of beholders had skin colored in cool colors—purples and blues—on the top of their bodies that graduated into earth tones further down. Said skin had a pebbly texture. Most of beholders had nostrils and jointed, articulated eyestalks.
Model Seed
Butil ng Tekstura
AI Model Modelo ng AI