A battle-hardened scavenger, his patchwork armor cobbled together from salvaged military gear and riot suits. His dirt-streaked face, hidden beneath a scratched-up gas mask, tells of endless wars and survival. He carries a rusted but deadly modified AK, strapped with extra magazines across his chest. His EMP grenades disable enemy tech, and his ability to craft makeshift traps from battlefield debris turns urban ruins into his personal hunting ground, #game figure#

Inilathala 2 days ago
A battle-hardened scavenger, his patchwork armor cobbled together from salvaged military gear and riot suits. His dirt-streaked face, hidden beneath a scratched-up gas mask, tells of endless wars and survival. He carries a rusted but deadly modified AK, strapped with extra magazines across his chest. His EMP grenades disable enemy tech, and his ability to craft makeshift traps from battlefield debris turns urban ruins into his personal hunting ground, #game figure#
Model Seed
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