The Soulwell appears as a yawning maw in the earth, encircled by obsidian pillars etched with screaming faces. A constant swirl of spectral embers hovers above the mouth, drawn from the anguished remnants of fallen spirits. Translucent hands claw at the well’s rim, leaving behind ghostly smears of ectoplasm. Legends warn that gazing into its depths too long surrenders your sanity to the hushed wails below.

Pubblicato 3 mesi fa
The Soulwell appears as a yawning maw in the earth, encircled by obsidian pillars etched with screaming faces. A constant swirl of spectral embers hovers above the mouth, drawn from the anguished remnants of fallen spirits. Translucent hands claw at the well’s rim, leaving behind ghostly smears of ectoplasm. Legends warn that gazing into its depths too long surrenders your sanity to the hushed wails below.
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