grotesque, plague doctor with an exaggerated, beak-like mask and spindly, clawed fingers. The character should have a tattered, dark cloak and unsettling, insect-like features. Ensure the rig includes fully articulated limbs, a flexible spine, and detailed facial expressions that convey a sense of dread and morbidity. The textures should highlight the decayed, ancient fabric of the cloak and the unsettling, chitinous nature of the insect features

प्रकाशित 3 माह पहले
grotesque, plague doctor with an exaggerated, beak-like mask and spindly, clawed fingers. The character should have a tattered, dark cloak and unsettling, insect-like features. Ensure the rig includes fully articulated limbs, a flexible spine, and detailed facial expressions that convey a sense of dread and morbidity. The textures should highlight the decayed, ancient fabric of the cloak and the unsettling, chitinous nature of the insect features
मॉडल बीज
टेक्सचर सीड
एआई मॉडल