I want to create a cube with three colors: #F26558, #999C9E, and #ECE9E9. Each color should be applied to opposite sides of the cube. For example, if one face is #F26558, the face directly opposite to it should also be #F26558. Similarly, #999C9E and #ECE9E9 should each be applied to opposite faces of the cube. The cube should have a clean, smooth surface with evenly distributed colors.

Modèle de demande
I want to create a cube with three colors: #F26558, #999C9E, and #ECE9E9. Each color should be applied to opposite sides of the cube. For example, if one face is #F26558, the face directly opposite to it should also be #F26558. Similarly, #999C9E and #ECE9E9 should each be applied to opposite faces of the cube. The cube should have a clean, smooth surface with evenly distributed colors.
Invite de texture
color the cube with 3 difference colours on each side : #F26558, #999C9E, and #ECE9E9.
Graine de modèle
Graine de texture
Modèle AI