The object is a cartoonish pig A-pose with one round face, large ears, and pink skin, blond hair Trump style, wearing a sleek grey striped suit with a smooth, reflective texture and dark sunglasses, and black polished shoes, giving it an anthropomorphic appearance.

Publicado hace 2 meses
Indicación del Modelo
The object is a cartoonish pig A-pose with one round face, large ears, and pink skin, blond hair Trump style, wearing a sleek grey striped suit with a smooth, reflective texture and dark sunglasses, and black polished shoes, giving it an anthropomorphic appearance.
Indicación de Textura
The object is a cartoonish pig A-pose with one round face, large ears, and pink skin, blond hair Trump style, wearing a sleek dark grey pinstriped suit with a smooth, reflective texture and dark sunglasses, and black polished shoes, giving it an anthropomorphic appearance.
Semilla de Modelo
Semilla de Textura
Modelo de IA