Narrow three-story brick townhouse, blackened red-brick facade, soot-streaked slate roof, iron-wrought balcony railing, leaded bay windows with deep green shutters, fogged glass panes, heavy oak front door with brass knocker, arched stone entryway, rusted drainpipes, twisted iron lanterns, narrow cobblestone doorstep, carved wooden eaves, dark-painted timber trim, ivy creeping up brickwork, small iron boot scraper, brass address plate, moss-covered foundation, gas lamp flickering outside.

Publicado hace 1 mes
Indicación del Modelo
Narrow three-story brick townhouse, blackened red-brick facade, soot-streaked slate roof, iron-wrought balcony railing, leaded bay windows with deep green shutters, fogged glass panes, heavy oak front door with brass knocker, arched stone entryway, rusted drainpipes, twisted iron lanterns, narrow cobblestone doorstep, carved wooden eaves, dark-painted timber trim, ivy creeping up brickwork, small iron boot scraper, brass address plate, moss-covered foundation, gas lamp flickering outside.
Indicación de Textura
Narrow three-story brick townhouse, blackened red-brick facade, soot-streaked slate roof, iron-wrought balcony railing, leaded bay windows with deep green shutters, fogged glass panes, arched stone entryway, rusted drainpipes, twisted iron lanterns, narrow cobblestone doorstep, carved wooden eaves, dark-painted timber trim, ivy creeping up brickwork, small iron boot scraper, brass address plate, moss-covered foundation, gas lamp flickering outside.
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Modelo de IA